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about map data... Centered at 170 12' 43'', -44 44' 43'',
Map Width: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
455m per pixel
227m per pixel
113m per pixel
56m per pixel
28m per pixel
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Mark At Dam Overlook
Mark At Dam Overlook Mark At Dam Overlook
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > New Zealand > Mark At Dam Overlook

Translucent Ears Lamb This animal was smart enough to not let us walk over and pick it up.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > New Zealand > Translucent Ears Lamb

Lamb Standing When we showed these photos to the farm owners they said this animal was less than two weeks old.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > New Zealand > Lamb Standing

With Tail When they are a few weeks old that tail will be amputated. I believe it keeps things cleaner.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > New Zealand > With Tail

Farm Stay You get a feeling for how this is a dryer part of New Zealand.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > New Zealand > Farm Stay