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Sunglasses On Vocanic Rock Looking Into Tidepools
Waves Crashing At Zanpa We did see a guy go out to near the cliff edge - he turned around pretty quickly.
Tags: beach, wave
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Waves Crashing At Zanpa

Sunglasses On Vocanic Rock Sunglasses On Vocanic Rock
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Sunglasses On Vocanic Rock

Zanpa Lighthouse In Background Zanpa Lighthouse In Background
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Zanpa Lighthouse In Background

Pacific Reef Heron I hadn't seen a dark Heron before - it was quite a surprise.
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Pacific Reef Heron

Outside In Low Tide This umbrella rock made me smile.
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Outside In Low Tide

Empty Beach At Resort A lot of Okinawa resorts actually close their beaches (no swimming or walking allowed) over the winter. This one was open, but basically empty.
Tags: beach, resort
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Empty Beach At Resort

Looking Into Tidepools Looking Into Tidepools
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Looking Into Tidepools