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Sunset From 733 Seymour
This is 740 frames. Started at 4:17pm at f8, 1/250th of a second. Ended at 5:56pm, at f8, 6 seconds per exposure, ISO 180. The interval was 8 seconds.
I brought my big tripod to get over the glass wall. The lens was set to 28mm.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > January 2024 > Sunset From 733 Seymour

First Night
This was taken at 20mm. I started at 7:14:57 and took a photo every 8 seconds until 10:07:27pm (1296 images). The camera started at f8, 1/500th, ISO 100 and ended at f8, 5 seconds at ISO 3200.

Nara and I go out Kayaking and come back in this sequence.
John Harvey Photo > First Night

Sunset With Layers Of Cloud
I started at 7:49:55pm and took a photo every 8 seconds until 9:50:59pm (909 images). I started at f8, 1/640, ISO 100 and ended at f8, 6 seconds, ISO 720. The lens was set at 24mm.
John Harvey Photo > Sunset With Layers Of Cloud

Stonecutters Bridge
This timelapse had 636 fames, starting at 6:07 pm and ending at 7:31pm. The interval was 8 seconds. Photography started at f8, 1/40th of a second at ISO 100 and ended at f8, 4 seconds, ISO 320.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong 14 > Stonecutters Bridge

Sunset Ferry Trip Stabilized
I've been trying to do this for a while - take a timelapse from the front of a ferry near sunset. While I shoot on a tripod, the resulting sequence still needs a lot of stabilization because we are on a boat!

This sequence started at 5:00pm and ended 2076 frames later at 6:43pm. Exposure went from f6.3 at 1/125th of a second to f6.3 at 1/2 of a second. The interval is 3 seconds because I learned from an earlier trip you need more intermediate frames if you want any chance to align between frames.

The script to stabilize is in python and uses OpenCV and the SIFT algorithm to do the image alignment. I use a variety of alignment masks through the sequence so I can exclude things like the clouds and ocean but also other ships moving side to side. This script writes a transforms.trf that ffmpeg can use for stabilization.

Back in Decemeber 2021, I took a ferry trip but hadn't yet figured out how to stabilize it.

import cv2 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pprint
import math

f = open("transforms.trf", "w")
f.write("VID.STAB 1
f.write("#      accuracy = 15
f.write("#     shakiness = 3
f.write("#      stepsize = 4
f.write("#   mincontrast = 0.200000
f.write("Frame 1 (List 0 [])

img1 = cv2.imread('DSC_4877_FerryHg.jpg')  
mask = cv2.imread('mask2.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
Mask_5182 = cv2.imread('Mask_5182.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
mask_5725 = cv2.imread('mask_5725.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
mask_5885 = cv2.imread('mask_5885.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
mask_6670 = cv2.imread('mask_6670.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

currentMask = mask

img1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

sift = cv2.SIFT_create()

keypoints_1, descriptors_1 = sift.detectAndCompute(img1,mask)

for n in range(2,2064):
    print("Frame " + str(n))
    img2 = cv2.imread("DSC_{:04d}_FerryHg.jpg".format(4876 + n)) 
    img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    if ( (4876 + n) == 5182 ):
        currentMask = Mask_5182

    if ( (4876 + n) == 5725 ):
        currentMask = mask_5725
    if ( (4876 + n) == 5885 ):
        currentMask = mask_5885

    if ( (4876 + n) == 6670 ):
        currentMask = mask_6670

    keypoints_2, descriptors_2 = sift.detectAndCompute(img2,currentMask)

    #feature matching
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L1, crossCheck=True)

    matches = bf.match(descriptors_1,descriptors_2)
    matches = sorted(matches, key = lambda x:x.distance)

    countPositions = 0
    listOfPoints = ""
    for idx, val in enumerate(matches):
        distance = math.sqrt( (keypoints_2[val.trainIdx].pt[0]-keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[0]) *
                         (keypoints_2[val.trainIdx].pt[0]-keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[0]) + 
                        ( keypoints_2[val.trainIdx].pt[1]-keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[1]) *
                         (keypoints_2[val.trainIdx].pt[1]-keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[1] ) )

        if ( val.distance > 299 and idx > 10 ):
        print("    " + str(idx) + " " + str(distance) + " " + str(val.distance) +" (" +
                 str(keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[0]) + "," + str(keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[1]) +
                 ") -> (" + str(keypoints_2[val.trainIdx].pt[0]) + "," +
                 str(keypoints_2[val.trainIdx].pt[1]) + ")" )
        if( countPositions > 0 ):
            listOfPoints = listOfPoints + ","

        # https://github.com/georgmartius/vid.stab/blob/master/src/serialize.c
        #   if(fscanf(f,"(LM %hi %hi %hi %hi %hi %lf %lf", &lm.v.x,&lm.v.y,&lm.f.x,&lm.f.y,&lm.f.size,
        #    &lm.contrast, &lm.match) != 7) {
        # LM = Local Motion
        # Sample: (LM 0 0 922 424 224 0.507735 0.263512)

        listOfPoints = listOfPoints + "(LM {:0.0f} {:0.0f} {:0.0f} {:0.0f} {:0.0f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f})".format(
                keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[0], keypoints_1[val.queryIdx].pt[1], 
                (300.0 - val.distance) / 300.0 , 0.6 - (300.0 - val.distance) / 1000.0)
        countPositions = countPositions + 1

    f.write("Frame {:d} (List {:d} [{}])".format(n,countPositions,listOfPoints))
    img1 = img2
    keypoints_1 = keypoints_2
    descriptors_1 = descriptors_2


John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > February 2023 > Sunset Ferry Trip Stabilized

Foggy Downtown Sunset
This is 656 frames from 4:01pm until 5:50pm. Exposure at the start was f8 at 1/50th of a second, at end was f8, 4 seconds. The photos are take every 10 second. No stabilization as the camera was on a tripod on solid ground (just outside of the Granville Island Public Market).

This is one of the easiest timelapses ever - the exposure is almost linear (the camera made the correct and consistent guesses) and no stabilization required.

Fog downtown is pretty rare - it usually happens when we transition from wet weather to cold weather in winter.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > January 2022 > Foggy Downtown Sunset

Port From Canada Place
663 photos, starting at 6:10, ending at 8:38. 8 seconds between exposures.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2022 > Port From Canada Place

Mount Baker Sunset From Lions Gate
I started taking photos at 7:52pm at f8, 1/400th of a second, ISO 100. I took 1188 photos until 10:30pm at f8, 6 seconds exposures, ISO 450. The exposure interval was every 8 seconds, ISO is in auto so when the camera hits the exposure limit (I limited it to 6 seconds), ISO goes up.

The lens was set to 44mm.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > May 2021 > Mount Baker Sunset From Lions Gate

Freighters Under Lionsgate At Sunset
This video took a look of work to get. I tried shooting this once before but the clouds were too heavy which lead to a very blah sunset and I misconfigured the camera (ISO was not in automatic) which lead to a variable interval (the clouds speed up).
This sequence is 1064 frames, taken every 8 seconds. I started at 7:51pm at f6.3, 1/3200 (-2 exposure compensation) and ended at 10:13pm at f4.5, 6 second exposures). It was shot in aperture priority mode.
I was standing on the lions gate bridge which introduces some challenges. First - the bridge has lights and you can see them start to dominate the park lighting in the last 1/3rd of the video. The much bigger problem is that the bridge moves a LOT. The frames have both a vertical translation and rotation element. I used ffmpeg to reduce the motion, but because this image is dominated by the clouds and boats I had to mask out (using a blur) much of the image so that the video stability detect code could find the motion. The code was:
# Gather the source images into a movie:
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i 'DSC_*.jpg' -c:v libx264 LionsgateFreightersHg.mp4

# blur out most of the movie except the cliffs on the left and the mountains on the right
/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i LionsgateFreightersHg.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v]boxblur=50[bg];[0:v]crop=w=1078:h=987:x=0:y=1038[fg];[bg][fg]overlay=0:1038[c];[0:v]crop=w=1125:h=516:x=2114:y=776[fg];[c][fg]overlay=2114:776" -map 0:v blurredVideo.mp4

# Use the blurred video to generate the transform estimates. Because of the minimum constrast requirements, the stability detect can't detect the clouds. ocean or boats.
/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i blurredVideo.mp4 -vf vidstabdetect=stepsize=16:shakiness=4:accuracy=15:mincontrast=0.4:show=1 cropVectors.mp4 -f null -

# Use the transform vectors to make the final video.
/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i LionsgateFreightersHg.mp4 -vf "vidstabtransform=input=transforms.trf" -crf 20 LionsgateFreightersStabilized.mp4

There are a few large ships in this timelapse. The first is the Bulk Carrier Kinoura followed by the Island Trader Tank Barge and finally the Bulk Carrier Sunny Hope. There are at least a dozen smaller ships including a police boat.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > May 2021 > Freighters Under Lionsgate At Sunset

Moonrise On Sunshine Coast
675 images, taken 10 seconds apart. First photo was 6:59pm, Last photo was at 8:51pm. This sequence had a LOT of problems with flickering. I used LRTimelapse to clean up the exposure and then used the three frame blend trick and I still had flickering.
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Sunshine Coast 2 > Moonrise On Sunshine Coast

Sunset On Chesterman Beach
The lens was set to 29mm. Photography started at 8:06pm, f5.6 at 1/2500th of a second (under exposed 2 stops, ISO 100) and ended at 10:09pm at f5.6, 6 second exposure, ISO 200. There were 918 photos taken at a 8 second interval.
No stabilization required. Exposure compensation in post was pretty easy. Shame there wasn't much of a sunset, but the beach fire at the end really helped. The family did have a metal beach fire basket thing which is required on this beach.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Tofino Wedding > Sunset On Chesterman Beach

Canada Fireworks From Burrard Bridge
Canada Fireworks From Burrard Bridge
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2022 > Canada Fireworks From Burrard Bridge

Sunset With Cherry Blossom
I started at 7:03pm at f18 at 1/160th of a second (in shutter priority mode) and ended at 625 frames later at 8:47pm at f6.3 and 6 second exposures. The interval was every every 10 seconds. I haven't removed people from this sequence.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2021 > Sunset With Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossum With City Sunset
This was my second shot at this sunset. I repositioned so I could get the whole tree in the shot rather than just a branch. I didn't bring quite so wide of a lens.

This is 745 frames, Starting at 7:39pm and ending at 9:16pm. I think sunset was about 8:15. The interval was 8 seconds and I shot in aperture priority mode because I finally figured out how to set my camera to limit the longest exposure in A mode until it starts increasing the sensitivity. The photos started at f/8.0, 1/160th of a second at ISO 100 (exposure is set to under exposed by 2 stops) and it ends at f/8.0, 6 seconds, ISO 160 (still under exposed by 2 stops)
I have manually photoshopped out people walking in front of the camera and a few birds.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2021 > Cherry Blossum With City Sunset

Sunset On Fraser Lake
There is a train on the far side of the lake near the end.

This is 366 shots, 15 seconds apart. It started at f18 and 1/100th of a second and dropped down to f5 and 2.5 second exposures.

Being this far north, the sun doesn't really set so you don't get much of a sunset.
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Prince Rupert Road Trip > Beaumont Provincial Park > Sunset On Fraser Lake

Olympic Village Sunset And Moon Rise
This is the fill images shot at 28mm.
Photography for this sequence started at 6:59pm and lasted 929 frames (roughly every 8 seconds) until 9:02pm. As the sun fell, the exposure the moon became over exposed.

Exposure started at f22, 1/400th of a second, ISO 400 (under exposed by 2 stops)
Exposure ended at f5.6, 1.3 seconds, ISO 400 (under exposed by 2 stops)

In post, I brighten the image, but keep the whites and highlights down. If you expose correctly, you generally get blown out skies and highlights.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2020 > Olympic Village Sunset And Moon Rise

Moonrise Over Olympic Village
This is a pretty tight crop out of images shot at 28mm.
Photography for this sequence started at 7:42pm and lasted 242 frames (roughly every 8 seconds) until 8:14pm. As the sun fell, the exposure the moon became over exposed.
Exposure started at f8, 1/400th of a second, ISO 400 (under exposed by 2 stops)
Exposure ended at f7.1, 1/13th of second, ISO 400 (under exposed by 2 stops)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2020 > Moonrise Over Olympic Village

Sunset At Fishermans Wharf
This turned out to be more tricky that I was expecting. This was 998 frames starting at 7:01pm on April 19th (1/400 of a second at f11), ending at 9:14pm (5 second exposure at f5). It was shot at 28mm. The camera is in shutter priority and I drop the shutter time in half again and again as the lighting gets dark.

The tricky part was that I was on a floating dock and I didn't realize at the time, but every time I moved, the dock shifted. I used Fiji to register the images, but my Mac only have enough RAM (16GB) to do 1/3 of the video at a time.

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2020 > Sunset At Fishermans Wharf

Ferry Wharf At Granville Island
This dock is normally quite busy with sea bus customers, but with Covid, that is all shut down. I started taking photos at 7:23pm (1/100 at f20) and ended 621 frames later at 8:46pm (2.5 seconds at f10).
The dock is so large that me walking around didn't change the camera pointing angle.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2020 > Ferry Wharf At Granville Island

Airport From Oak St Bridge
Airport From Oak St Bridge
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > March 2020 > Airport From Oak St Bridge

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