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Nara Being Silly On Beach Grey-Faced Buzzard Bird In Flight Two Rock Hearts Mark With Rootbeer Claira Climbing Charcoal BBQ Conveyer Belt Sushi
Plates Of Sushi This isn't high end sushi. The restaurant was in a medium quality mall and had lots of families.
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Plates Of Sushi

Conveyer Belt Sushi You can see it's a conveyer on two levels with glasses on the bottom level. The colour of the plates determines the cost and they total the plates at the end of your meal.
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Conveyer Belt Sushi

Raw Beef This beef is for cooking (every so slightly) - you don't eat it raw.
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Raw Beef

John Cooking Veggies We have BBQ places in Vancouver, but none that use charcoal as a heat source.
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > John Cooking Veggies

Charcoal BBQ Charcoal BBQ
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Charcoal BBQ

Nara Running On Sea Wall Nara Running On Sea Wall
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Nara Running On Sea Wall

Nara Riding Zipline Even though there was a language barrier with the kids, they had no problem trading off the zipline between kids.
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Nara Riding Zipline

Crab Climbing Wall iNaturalist suggests this is a Grapsus albolineatus - mottled lightfoot crab, or in Chinese it is 白紋方蟹. This particular crab has had a tough life - he is missing a lot of legs.
Tags: Japan
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Crab Climbing Wall

Kids On Outdoor Rollerslide Kids On Outdoor Rollerslide
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Kids On Outdoor Rollerslide

Claira Climbing Claira Climbing
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Claira Climbing