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Restrict search - plant AND: fruit 6 Costa Rica 5 alpine 5 Outerbridge Park 4 Okanagan 4 garden 3
New search - Related Tags: garden 155 alpine 129 Outerbridge Park 73 Okanagan 66 Costa Rica 63 fruit 57

Leaves of Western Lily of the Valley
I believe this is Western Lily of the Valley - Maianthemum dilatatum.
Tags: plant
Species: Maianthemum dilatatum (false lily of the vally)

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Leaves of Western Lily of the Valley

Wild Carrot Gone To Seed
I saw these same plants earlier in the summer - I was quite impressed how large the seeds were.
Species: Daucus carota (wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace, bird's nest)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > October 2014 > Wild Carrot Gone To Seed

Calcite For Plant
Calcite For Plant
Tags: plant, rock

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > November 2020 > Calcite For Plant

Wild Carrot Arching Into Birds Nest
At first I thought this was the flower before it blooms - turns out this is after it blooms.
Species: Daucus carota (wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace, bird's nest)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > August 2014 > Wild Carrot Arching Into Birds Nest

Wild Carrot Undershot
Yes, it is cliché, but sometimes a cliché is better than no shot at all. I wound up lying on a bunch of blackberry so getting up wasn't too comfortable.
Species: Daucus carota (wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace, bird's nest)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > August 2014 > Wild Carrot Undershot

Two Silversword In Rocks
Two Silversword In Rocks
Tags: Hawaii, plant
Species: Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum (Haleakalā Silversword)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Maui > Haleakala > Two Silversword In Rocks

Nara Showing Jenie Carniverous Plants
Nara Showing Jenie Carniverous Plants
People: Jennie, Nara

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2014 > Nara Showing Jenie Carniverous Plants

Sea Blush
There was a large patch of this native plant. It made me smile. I wish I used more DOF and a tripod.
Species: Plectritis congesta (seablush)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > May 2013 > Sea Blush

Lily Pads
Lily Pads - locally invasive.
Species: Nymphaea odorata (Fragrant Water Lily)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > 06_2006 > Lily Pads

Leaves Curling In Mimosa Pudica
Mimosa Pudica, sometimes called "sensitive plant" is something Helen remembers from Hong Kong as a kids. You can buy it in the flower market. Turns out it an invasive plant from the Americas. Oh well.
Species: Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong 11 > Leaves Curling In Mimosa Pudica

Antelope Brush
This plant and it's crazy deep roots (much deeper than the plant is tall) is the cornerstone of this ecology.
Species: Purshia tridentata (antelope bitterbrush)

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Okanagan Camping 2 > Antelope Brush

Bright Golden Aster In Dry Grass
I like how you get a splash of colour in a dry and drab background of dead grass. The park labeled this as "Chrysopsis villosa", but apparently that name is now out of date - it's "Heterotheca villosa var. villosa"
Species: Heterotheca villosa (hairy false goldenaster, hairy goldenaster)

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Okanagan Camping 2 > Bright Golden Aster In Dry Grass

Leaf Rotted To The Veins
Plants have an amazing tolerance to damage. I believe this is Salal.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2009 > Leaf Rotted To The Veins

Seed Pods
I love to photograph this plant. It picks up the light so well and it has wonderful micro and macro detail.
Tags: macro, plant
Species: Pulsatilla occidentalis (White Pasqueflower)

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Marriott Meadows > Seed Pods

Velvety Brown Leaf
Velvety Brown Leaf
John Harvey Photo > Costa Rica > Velvety Brown Leaf

Hairy Leaves
Hairy Leaves
John Harvey Photo > Costa Rica > Hairy Leaves

Flowering Bromeliad
Flowering Bromeliad
John Harvey Photo > Costa Rica > Flowering Bromeliad

Dark Green Foliage
Dark Green Foliage
John Harvey Photo > Costa Rica > Dark Green Foliage

Common Bromeliad
Common Bromeliad
John Harvey Photo > Costa Rica > Common Bromeliad

Take Your Pick Of Varietal
Take Your Pick Of Varietal
Tags: plant

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Seaside Oregon > Take Your Pick Of Varietal

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